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Money management and a total money plan are closely related concepts, but there are key differences between them.

Money management involves the day-to-day decisions and actions you take to handle your finances wisely and live within your means. It includes things like budgeting, tracking expenses, saving, and making informed spending choices.

On the other hand, a total money plan is a more comprehensive approach that goes beyond just managing your money in the present. It takes into consideration various aspects of your financial life, including credit, debt, budgeting, and spending, to create a holistic strategy for both the short and long term. A total money plan not only focuses on the immediate financial decisions you make but also aims to achieve broader goals, such as reducing debt, improving credit, and building wealth over time.


Prepare to dive into the Total Money Plan – a financial game-changer that perfectly aligns with the help you’ve been searching for. But it’s not just about budgeting and crunching numbers. It’s about turbocharging your money mindset, taking back your buying power, and feeling great about it!

Picture us as your personal cheerleaders. We’re here to keep you on track, reminding you of the goals you’ve set out to achieve and nudging you toward unlocking the potential that a focused effort can bring. Whether you’re stepping into the world of credit and money for the first time or hustling to fix past mistakes, your goals and the moves you make to achieve them make you one-of-a-kind. And we’re here to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed every step of the way!


Keep an eye on your spending using your smartphone’s notes app! Whenever you make a purchase, quickly jot it down with the amount. It’s a simple way to stay conscious of your expenses. Exciting news – we’re also developing a user-friendly app at Credilife! This app will make tracking and categorizing expenses a breeze. Anticipated to launch in 2023, it’ll be your go-to tool for managing your finances effortlessly. Stay tuned for a more seamless way to manage your money! 📱💰

Yes, with our Spending Tracker App on both the Android and iPhone.

You should expect to get out of debt in about a third of the time from where you are now. To do this you must find the extra money. By systematically prioritizing your spending and applying the Money Mastery® Principles, it can all happen to you.

The Total Money Plan approach doesn’t endorse debt counseling for a specific reason. While debt counseling can offer valuable insights, it often involves creating new financial commitments. Our focus is on empowering you to regain control of your finances by avoiding new debt and strategically addressing existing obligations. Through careful planning, budgeting, and prioritizing payments, the Total Money Plan aims to help you become debt-free and build a stronger financial foundation.

No, the Total Money Plan was created as a coaching and literacy program that teaches you how to spend money, pay off debt, pay the right amount of taxes, and save for your retirement based on foundational principals rather than specific financial products or services.

No, Credilife® does not deal in securities trading or give any buy/sell investment advice. We do not sell third-party products or services but rather educate our clients on how to apply sound principles and perspectives to each area of their financial life.

Brian Del Terzo and Jerrad Havins saw a critical need for a comprehensive approach to credit, money management, and mindful spending. They conceptualized the Total Money Plan as an essential framework to bridge these areas. Recognizing that financial well-being extends beyond credit scores, their plan addresses the holistic spectrum of personal finance. By combining credit wisdom, effective money practices, and mindfulness in spending, the Total Money Plan empowers individuals to achieve lasting financial stability and success.

Break free from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle! Start by identifying your most significant life goals and dreams. Then, adopt mindful spending habits that steer you away from thoughtless expenditures. By recognizing the value of your hard-earned money and aligning your spending with your aspirations, you’ll pave the way for financial security and the realization of your biggest dreams.

You find it by following the program – creating a historical picture of how you spent money in the past and then building a balanced Spending Plan, inclusive of all debts. This process, and others in the program, will undoubtedly help you find money you have been using inefficiently that you didn’t even know you had. Your case is unique, so the amount could be $1,000 or it could be $50, but if you adopt the Total Money Plan, its Principles, and tools, you will most assuredly find that money.

Credilife coaching is your personalized path to financial empowerment. Through one-on-one sessions, we delve into your individual credit, money, and debt queries and worries. Our expert coaches provide tailored guidance, helping you understand your unique financial situation. Whether it’s improving credit scores, managing money better, or tackling debt, we’re by your side with customized solutions. With Credilife coaching, you’re not alone on your financial journey – you have a dedicated partner helping you build a brighter financial future.

The Total Money Plan centers around a crucial concept often disregarded in other financial programs: your spending, borrowing, and credit are intricately connected and must harmonize like puzzle pieces for true success. Despite many professionals aiming to guide people through this puzzle, few emphasize the significance of credit and its role in overall financial health. The solution? The Total Money Plan’s principles, which help you assemble this puzzle coherently, making your financial journey clearer and more sensible.

You are enrolled as long as you want. It’s a month-to-month program, that can usually improve most credit issues within 6-9 months, however many of our clients enjoy the peace of mind and community, sticking around much longer.

Absolutely! By applying the principles tools and techniques in the program, you will have money left over at the end of the month.

Yes it will work for you, and especially you. By following the techniques on how to plan, track, and control spending available in this program you will build a Spending Plan that works on your average monthly gross income.

The Total Money Plan isn’t just about getting rid of debt; it’s a smart way to manage your money. It’s a program that helps you take charge of all aspects of your finances, like how you spend and your credit. It’s not just about reducing debt, but also about being smart with your money. The Total Money Plan is a proven method that guides you in taking control of your financial life. It covers everything from how you spend money to building good credit and fixing credit issues. It’s a complete approach to managing your finances.

Yes. A success coach will reach out within the first week of enrollment, and you can also call 800-576-4890.

No, however, you can cancel the program at any time. It is important however to be prepared to commit to at least 6 to 9 months barring any unforeseen circumstances. If something comes up and you have to cancel prematurely, you can always be reinstated within 6 months without repaying the onboarding fee.

Yes. Just click on the Web Chat to Text service and enter a question or circumstance and your question will be answered promptly. The answer may also be a written response, but if the question warrants, we are happy to give you a call.

There is no risk. Because it is principle-based, your financial life becomes more efficient so that you get more from the money you already make, without having to invest in additional financial products and services. It is the “how to” of building wealth from your existing income. If you follow the system you can create wealth on any income and have well beyond the cost of the membership.

Principle 1: Spending is Emotional.

This means that money is more about emotions than it is about math. If spending were simply a mathematical problem more individuals and families would not be consuming more than they make and would be far wealthier than they are. If you do not decide to systematically control your money, you will emotionally consume your future and the opportunities it can offer. Spending money almost always has a powerful emotional impact on our lives, whether we realize it or not.

Principle 2: When You Track Your Money, You Control It.

Corporations are required to track spending and assets, yet individuals are reluctant to take the time to track and control their personal spending. People who do track find they are wasting at least $312 every month that they could be applying to savings or using to pay down debt. Planning how to spend, and spending according to a plan is the key to becoming wealthy. To any responsible person, this should be the only option.

Principle 3: Savings Is Actually Delayed Spending.

Wealth and security depend on how you spend, not on how you save or on how much money you make. There is actually no such thing as ͞savings͟ because every dollar is to be spent — what matters most is how you spend it. This principle points out that you have to ͞spend͟ money each month for your future by paying yourself first. People who pay themselves first add at least an additional $302, 000 to their retirement savings, while many find much, much more.

Principle 4: Power Down Your Debt and Power Up Your Fortune.

Most people don’t know the difference between ͞good͟ and ͞bad͟ debt. This principle, which is powerful and dramatic, teaches the difference between good and bad debt and how to get out of bad debt as quickly as possible. By applying this principle, it is mathematically feasible for anyone, no matter how bad their debt-load is, to get completely out of debt in nine years or less, including a 30-year mortgage.

Principle 5: Know the Rules.

This principle teaches that you do not need to know everything financial but you do need to know where to go for information that is important for you — that means reading and understanding all contracts you enter into and relying on financial mentors and professionals as needed. In today’s world of easy credit many people feel they are entitled to play very complex financial games, like owning a credit card, without paying the price to learn the rules of that game.

Principle 6: The Rules Are Always Changing.

Recently the IRS implemented 1,200 changes in one year to the U.S. tax law. This illustrates that things are always changing financially and that you must be able to cope with those changes. You must be capable of moving with change, always open to learning new information that can be vital to your future success. Otherwise, you will face consequences that could force you to work many years beyond the point that you want to. To know this principle is to shave years from your working life!

Principle 7: Always Look at the Big Picture.

In the absence of long-term goals you will make financial decisions you cannot afford. With specific goals clearly in mind, you will make spending decisions today that will not only bring happiness to you now, but that will build a happy life for the future. We cannot become wealthy without first ͞Master Planning͟ our lives by looking at where we are now, where we want to go in the future, and figuring out a plan to get there.

Principle 8: Organizing Your Finances Enables the Creation of Additional Wealth.

Disorganization breeds procrastination which leads to lost opportunities. Organizing your finances means knowing where important documents are, having an estate plan for your loved ones, and knowing how to protect your assets from over-taxation, litigation, and theft.

Principle 9: Understanding Taxation Enables You to Retain More Money.

The easiest way to earn more money is to keep more of the money you already make! That means giving the IRS what it expects only when it is due and no more. Tax refunds are mythical benefits that come at a great cost to American families. Don’t be fooled by this myth and countless others. Knowing the real rules about taxation will free and empower you.

Principle 10: Money in Motion Creates More Money

This principle is a combination of applying each of the other nine. This principle is where wealth is truly built and accelerated (but only when the other nine principles are clearly understood and applied). If there is one single strategy that builds wealth and financial security the fastest, it is the understanding of the ͞leverage͟ factor of Principle 10 and how to get your money to do more than one thing at a time.

It means having enough passive income (money you don’t have to go to work every day to earn) so that when you decide every day whether you want to work or not. In other words, you don’t have to clock in anywhere in order to have enough money to pay your bills and have the lifestyle to your liking.

You have access to a team of professionals at Credilife who are available to personally and promptly answer any question or concern related to your program, your debt, your money, or your credit.

Credilife® is your dedicated ally in the complex world of credit, debt, and finances. With a mission to empower and guide, we focus on effective money management and debt strategies, while recognizing the vital role of credit in solid financial planning. Our holistic approach safeguards your money from impulsive decisions and nurtures harmony between credit, income, expenses, and debts. We provide a comprehensive understanding of credit and money, helping you succeed on your journey to financial empowerment. Whether personal or business goals, Credilife® is here to elevate your financial future.

Understanding your specific circumstances is essential for a precise answer. Yet, the significance of credit and money in our overall well-being is undeniable. Neglecting these aspects can outweigh the expenses of addressing them, and Credilife’s distinct methodologies are designed to assist you in navigating these critical areas.

The program’s success is tied to what you’re willing to invest in learning and establishing fresh financial habits. Your commitment drives the outcomes you achieve. Moreover, by entrusting the investigation process to us, you gain more time to concentrate on shaping your Total Money Plan. This means your energy is focused on building a stronger financial foundation rather than managing investigations independently. Together, we pave the way for your financial growth and security.


Alan Williams of Time & Money, LLC on KSL TV

Pete’s Story

Ten Principles of Money Mastery

The Money Mastery “Money Huddle”

The Value of Money Mastery


A balance sheet is a financial statement that shows your financial assets (such as your savings account and home equity) against your financial liabilities (such as your mortgage, credit card debt).

Compound interest is interest that is earned on interest that was earned in prior periods. For credit cards or other loans, compound interest is interest charged on interest that was charged in prior periods.

A budget is a document that shows your spending goals for the month or year.A budget is a document that shows your spending goals for the month or year.

A personal financial planner can help you with your personal financial situation, including investments and savings goals. Fee-only financial planners are paid for the appointment, and do not receive a commission for your purchases.

Gross income is the total amount of money that you make, before subtracting expenses and taxes.

A personal liability is the amount that you owe. For example, many households have their home loan, car loans, credit card bills, and student loans as their liabilities.

Net income is your earnings after subtracting out expenses (for self-employed individuals) and taxes.

You net worth is the difference between your financial assets and your financial liabilities. If you are in debt, your net worth is likely to be negative.

A tax advisor is a tax professional who can help you in planning a tax strategy, and can prepare your tax returns for you.

A teaser rate is an introductory interest rate offered by credit card companies. When the introductory period is over, the rate typically increases dramatically.


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