The business credit suite incorporates a 6 step process to meeting the criteria required to be considered for business funding. Through a unique funding interface, coined the ‘blueprint qualifier’, your unique qualifying criteria is matched against thousands of legitimate funding products.
Conventional banks only account for about 1.5% of all business lending. This means that most business lending comes from alternative lenders. Since most alternative lenders only offer 1 or 2 products, the business funding program was designed to give business owners access to a much wider variety of legitimate financing options that would otherwise be almost impossible to come by.
Our business credit program, through the support of a Credilife® Coach and Business Funding Coach, will walk you through a step by step process formulated to transform your professional business image into a viable, self-sustaining creditworthy entity. And down the road, your business credit history and profile will also serve as a positive “financial snapshot” of your company for potential business partners or buyers.
We have earned an outstanding reputation for helping clients obtain money for their business quickly while also helping business owners eliminate their personal liability.
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